Friday, January 21, 2011

Why Am I Here?

WHO AM I? Hmm... that's such a general question. Why don't we break it down?

AGE: 25

COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Philippines where it's always bright and sunny...

STATUS: Technically and Legally SINGLE with a plus 1. I have an uber adorable and hyper son who is turning 7 this coming February.

PROFESSION: I work for the family biz but I wear many hats during the day.

WHY ARE YOU HERE? I'm here to chronicle my weight loss process. I've been overweight ever since I gave birth to my son. I guess I just never really stopped eating for 2 after the pregnancy so now the effects of it are kicking in. I've attempted to lose weight every year but it never really lasted long enough for me to get back to my old weight. More than that, I'm starting to feel unhealthy, sickly, and emotionally fatigued by all this weight loss issue hovering in my head and eventually enabled me to gather up all the guts and strength to give this my all. 

WHAT'S YOUR PLAN? I plan to live a healthy life starting this 2011. I guess as you get older, your taste buds, and cravings change. Add the fact that prevention from all these kinds of sicknesses is the best way to go. I've abused my body long enough that it's time I listen to its needs. I want to have a healthy body because I want to feel good about myself. I want to be healthy for my son, and for my family. 

My goal is not to be model sexy. You weight is just a number. It's really a matter of taking care of your body and having that healthy disposition physically, mentally, and emotionally. I did this blog to encourage myself not to give up especially during times when giving up seems like the best solution. I want my son to see this years from now so he can be proud of me. Most importantly, i'm doing this for myself.

Suggestions are very welcome. There's so much diet, exercises to try out there and I hope that I can find the one that fits my lifestyle really well. I hope that you can learn with me as I go along this tedious process of losing weight. Like what they say, you have to work real hard to see results.

GOAL: Go back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 115-120lbs.


MODE OF EXERCISE:  5 Times a week Circuit training (30mins each) & Running 2 times a week

Less carbs, sugar, and protein diet. 
Basically for this month, i'm slowly taking out the carbs especially rice from my meals.
I'm slowly introducing the small portions, frequent meals per day.
I'm also trying my best to drink more glasses of water each day (i'm not a water person)

So far so good.. i've lost 4lbs in a span of 2 and a half weeks.

Let me leave you a photo of myself during my debut 7 years ago (the same year i got pregnant). This is my goal.   

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