Tuesday, January 25, 2011

General Motors Diet Day 2: ALL VEGETABLES

I wasn't planning to write today but I figured, once I break the habit of writing and document each day, I might just eventually stop everything altogether. Too early I thought so here I am.

Today consisted of ALL VEGETABLES.. which I dreaded because I do NOT eat vegetables. I barely survived. I dont think it's because of the diet. The diet is actually very flexible and nice, I think. Perhaps its how I started the diet that got all my stored energy. I basically swept through day 1 eating not much fruits because 1. I didnt like how the melons tasted like. 2. You can only eat too much watermelons. 3. I obviously didn't eat enough fruits to sustain me all the more did I drink enough water. That explains why day2 got me all drained out plus the fact that a lot of things happened in the office today. My body couldn't digest everything in one go i guess. I guess the monster in me is slowly showing... hopefully it goes away tomorrow.

Bottomline, I survived day 2 and i'll be crawling my way up to day3 tomorrow. Please wish me luck. I know it's not advisable to weigh yourself everyday but it seems like the scale hasn't been my friend the past few days considering that I have slowly removed the unhealthy parts of my meal plus the fact that I have already started with this diet. Oh well.. Must. not. let. the. emotional. part. get. in. my. way.

Let me leave you with what I ate today...

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