Saturday, January 22, 2011

Health is Wealth

I've attempted deiting and losing weight for an X number of times already. My friends have given up to a certain extent when I tell them about it. They think that I deal with my weight the same way I deal with my love life which is, I'm only passionate about it up until the day comes when I lose interest. This time around, I think it won't be the same anymore. I know and feel that this time, for sure, I will lose weight, by hook or by crook because there's a bigger and more important reason why.

I was never really a sickly child. The only times I got confined in the hospital was the time when a fly got into my ear, and the last time was when I have birth. I was basically a healthy kid despite the fact that I don't eat vegetables. I had a theory that perhaps I was fed too much vegetables back when I was a kid that it's able to sustain me my whole life. It was only recently that i've been feeling pains here and there that really pushed me to do something about it.

There are many hindrances when you are heavy. ( I refuse to say fat so as not to sound negative) When I hit the 70 kilos weight, I noticed simple things were a tad bit heavier to do. It became a struggle to tie my shoelaces, shop for clothes, climb up and down the stairs. I became more lethargic than ever to the point of just staying home instead of meeting up with friends. I was starting to dislike the lifestyle I had. Add the fact that the constant invites for drinking and eating out were very often. I smoked and drank a lot without any form of exercise. I tried running and Bikram yoga for a while but eventually got sick of both. I needed staying power. I needed a reason to stick to something. When that reason was nowhere to be found, that's when I started feeling sickly and unhealthy. I began getting tired faster than before. I perspired more and quicker than the last time. I started feeling itchy all over my body and my skin began to look and feel weird. Lastly, my heartburns were more constant and more painful which made me panic and made me feel as if I was going through mild strokes! It alarmed me and I told myself something had to be changed. I needed to change my lifestyle.

My road to weight loss primarily isn't to look like a top model nor to be able to wear certain clothes. Sure, they would be a bonus, but the main purpose really is to be able to have a healthy body and not worry about getting sick. I realized that how you treat your body is a testament of how you love and respect yourself. I can say I love and respect myself but if on the outside I look sluggish then it's not really showing that message.

I know this journey to weight loss won't be easy. I've only been on my 2nd week and during that time there have been so many times when I just wanted to lie down and grab the chocolates in my fridge. The emotional side of it is slowly taking its toll on me as well but like any other person who has gone through this, I always have to choose to be strong so I can help myself. I AM ACCOUNTABLE FOR MYSELF.

Tomorrow is a new week to challenge myself. Gotta set my eyes on the prize, which is a richer, healthier body and lifestyle!

Here's a photo taken with my friends 2 and a half weeks ago. This is the current me with my huge thighs parading itself to the world. When I posted the link to this site, a lot of my guy friends commented and were surprised to see that I weighed heavier than them. I dont know if that's a good thing though. I had friends guessing my weight. Some guessed 150lbs while the others guessed 200lbs. One things for sure, by the end of this year, it will be around 120-125lbs!

How do I plan to lose weight you may ask? Well, unlike the other bloggers who pay so much joining in weight loss programs, i've decided to make MY own weight loss program which I think will work for me and something I can maintain and infuse with my lifestyle. Remember, this isn't something that happens over night. This is a total change in lifestyle that I am doing to help myself which means the change must be done gradually.


I started with quitting smoking, so far so good. I've slowly cut down my alcohol and food binging with friends.
I have recently succumbed to drinking bubble teas ie. Happy Lemon nights but will eventually have to drink non-sugared drinks.
I've also started my Circuit training and I have been at it 5times a week. It's a 30minute intensive exercise using different machines that can make you lose 500 calories maximum for half an hour.
I am also complementing my circuit with running at night. Although this hasn't been regular, I eventually plan to get a running coach so that it'll be more structured and I will have the discipline to actually go and do it.
I have cut down on my carbs esp rice intake from BANDEHADOS to maximum of 1 1/2 cups serving of rice per day. Eventually, I plant to weed out rice from my food plan.
I have told the entire household to NOT cook fried foods as much as possible. So far, the food served are wither baked, grilled, or steamed.

Again, Im not doing this drastically. I realized its better to be slowly but surely on weight loss. In the past 2 weeks I have lost 4lbs but it changes depending on the food I eat for the day. It helps me be on my toes everytime but like what other bloggers said, the scale will NOT ALWAYS be your friend. The best way to tell if youre losing weight is when you try on your clothes.

I'm excited for this year. I hope you are too.


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